Coronavirus or not, I am an avid listener of podcasts – I treat them like personal radio stations, so when I am at home or exercising, I often have a podcast playing in the background so that I am learning something new every day. Many of the subscriptions I have are weekly except for a couple that are published daily. As I use Apple Podcasts, the links are to the Apple Library, although I’m sure that many are available on other platforms.
International Business & Current Affairs
BBC World Business Report
This is an important one for me and probably the first podcast that I subscribeded to. It covers daily updates from around the world about business, tax and UK Government issues, although currently it covers governance in the world of a pandemic.
NBC: The Rachel Maddow Show
I started listening to this show four years ago as the mess of the current US Administration was evolving. The show also covers specific issues in the US or its foreign policy that affects all of us.
International Mix
I listen to a mix of other podcasts that cover technology and human interaction:
The Productivityist
This podcast talks about how to be productive in life – however it’s not the typical “smarter not harder” concept, rather it makes me think about how I can redevelop processes or use technology better. Mike Vardy, the host, interviews people who have figured out different ways to deal with tasks or functions to improve quality with the end result.
Buffer: The Science of Social Media
Social media is all around us – this podcast teaches me new methods to deliver a message through a multitude of platforms. There really is a science to getting awareness through the many options we have!
BBC World Service Documentaries
The BBC has some great documentaries about a huge range of topics – from diversity, Government policy, sport, lifestyles, local cultures and many more. You can learn a lot from understanding how people live in other parts of the world.
Local Business & Current Affairs
Naturally, it is important to know what is happening within my own environment, so these are my go-to podcasts:
Talking Business with Alan Kohler (Qantas)
I started listening to this podcast when flying between Australian cities. I now listen to them on my phone and they are published once a month in blocks of 10. The interviews are typically ten minutes long and are with local business owners and entrepreneurs across a wide variety of industries.
Jazoodle: Founders Podcast
I’ve been a reseller with Jazoodle for a year now and Andrew Paton-Smith, the founder of the company has developed this podcast to interview local entrepreneurs and his interviews are much longer and more in-depth than the Qantas ones. They really dig deep into how businesses are developed and managed.
AICD: The Dismal Science
The AICD has just restarted their podcast with insights into legal issues that all company directors should know about along with commentary about the economy which in this current environment is worth understanding!
Advisor Adventures
I was introduced to this podcast only recently and I have found them to be informative and entertaining. I have been an Approved Advisor with the Advisory Board Centre for the last two years and these podcasts are hosted by Corinne Butler, one of their Advisory Chairs, although these podcasts are under her own banner.
Others for Balance
I’m not only focused on business and governance and to prove it, here are some of the other podcasts that I listen to or watch on a monthly basis – or when they drop:
ESO Cast from the European Space Agency.
HubbleCast with images and information beamed from the Hubble Space Telescope.
Arts & Culture
BBC: In Our Time – a deep dive into a cultural topic with the experts.
James Valentine and his unusual slant on Sydney life.
Dan Snow’s History Hit – Dan comes from a family of historians and journalists. He is a well-known TV historian.
Long before Madison Wells was founded, I wrote, presented and published my own podcasts under the Motoring Weekly banner (2008-10) long before it was popular to do them! In 2010 I ended the podcasts and later converted to a digital brand with a long-form website at its core – which is now taking a sabbatical. Here are some other podcasts that I still listen to and watch:
Autonomous Cars with Marc Hoag
Roadshow Reviews
Shift: A Mobility Podcast
Shift & Steer
Life is about learning new skills, topics and being aware of what is happening around you. I find podcasts – personal radio stations – are a great way to learn. My early morning or mid evening walks are a great way to get out and about and learn as well!